Girl Mom
The Gaslighter and the Bee-Word
gaslighter / ˈ ɡas ˌ līdər / a person who uses psychological methods to manipulate someone into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning bitch [ bich ] a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman I used to date a guy who gaslighted the hell out of me. When we first met, I thought that I had hit the boyfriend jackpot. He was good-looking and had a job that he was passionate about. My daughter and my dog equally adored him (and my dog doesn’t like anyone). I lost all concept of gravity and fell in love with him faster than a spacecraft blasting into orbit. But within…
First Days
My baby girls started kindergarten today. It was their official first day. Last week, they had a stagger start day where only a quarter of their classes went for half the day to allow them to get used to the structure. Open house was the week prior, and I left work early to make sure that we made it. There were two gigantic bags of school supplies to carry in, and we had to park a mile away from the front entrance because there were so many families there. I wore a cute blazer so I would feel trendy and pretend that I wasn’t the oldest mom at kindergarten. It…
Letting Go
Adulting is so hard, y’all. It has taken me 40 years to figure out that none of us know what we are doing. We are all just bumping along, hoping that no one else notices that we have no idea of what is going on, faking it until we make it. If we get lucky, we make some good decisions along the way and strike a few gold mines. I am a big believer that a large part of what happens to us in life is luck. Hard work counts for a lot, but I know that I have ended up where I am in large part because I just…
On Wednesdays, We Bake
Wednesdays are my favorite day. Even though it is hump day and clearly a detriment for that reason alone, I look forward to Wednesday every single week. Why? Because on Wednesdays, we bake. As her high school career winds down, my daughter is taking a baking class at our local community college. Last year, we attended an event on the campus to get a feel for the various programs that were offered, and Kylie fell in love with the kitchen and the chefs who taught in it. The campus has won awards for their program, and my kiddo was really excited to try culinary. Because COVID has ruined everything, the…